IT has Dramatically Changed the Way Companies do Business

In this post you will learn about information technology in business….

New player – How has IT changed business practices?

Planning – How do companies manage the task of IT installation?

Transactions – What are three areas where transactions take place online?

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A new player in the business world

Over the last fifteen to twenty years internet technology has altered lives all over the planet. On a personal level, millions of people now connect with their friends and share pictures on the internet in a way that would have been unheard of before. But the changes IT has brought to corporate culture are even more pronounced. Today a small family owned business that wants to succeed needs a professional website to attract customers, while large corporations have to plan for an extensive internal IT system.

Companies put a lot of planning into their IT system

In this new culture, the race to the top involves having state of the art IT. This can connect different branch organisations, help top level officials communicate and even program and regulate vital manufacturing equipment. If the IT system goes down, the function of any company is limited, whether the field is finance, energy, transportation or research. It’s hard to find an example where this isn’t the case.

Companies are increasingly looking for outside help in managing their IT system. Bringing in a qualified professional on a part-time or temporary basis can help update the system as well as train lower level IT staff. In many cases, experienced consultants with a high level of expertise may not be available locally and companies may be forced to hire internationally, especially for projects in parts of the world where there aren’t very many trained IT professionals. Procorre is a global consultancy service which works with companies, recruitment agencies, and talented consultants in IT and other fields. Procorre Consultants help corporations successfully implement IT for a variety of different projects.

3 ways companies manage business transactions online

  • Marketing – from purchasing a product on to making an airline reservation or finding a local doctor most customer interactions now take place completely or partially on line. In a global culture, internet reputation is becoming more important than personal face-to-face reputation since many customers and clients may never actually meet a company individual in person.
  • Communication – more and more corporate interaction is conducted through internet exchange. Board meetings take place via online conference calls with CEOs in various parts of the world. With so many globalised corporations, virtual offices are becoming more important than physical ones. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology can help high level officials manage business from a personal laptop no matter where they are in the world. Any official can easily oversee the home branch while investigating operation in a foreign subsidiary; that is as long as the internet system is working properly.
  • Analysis – many companies make important decisions based on information they have gained through online research. Online surveys, big data analysis, and personal interviews can all give companies a window into consumer opinions and help to determine the likelihood of success associated with any particular project. All of these tools were much more difficult, if not completely impossible, to use before the internet.

What did we do before IT?

Even though the internet has only existed for a relatively short time, it’s already hard for many people to envision business without it. IT has to be an integral part of any modern company’s model. Read on to learn about 4 important technologies that can improve any company’s IT system.

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